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Are you tired of trying all kinds of therapies to overcome your problems and still nothing has worked? 

Would you like to resolve the root cause of your problems so you can emerge with confidence, love, and laughter?


Many people try to fix things like stopping smoking or losing weight but they keep stumbling and return to their old behavior within a matter of months or even days. The struggle is hard and the battle is lost because the desired changes were made in the conscious mind only.


Since all our thoughts, behaviors and beliefs are guided by our unconscious mind, it is there that the root cause can be determined and beneficial change can begin with the aid of Hypnotherapy. It is a tool that can help you just like it has helped millions of other people, to take back control and be in charge of your life.


Whether you are trying to overcome problems such as fear, phobia, anger issues, old behavioral patterns or you want to grow to a new level of personal achievement, hypnotherapy can do wonders.


As a master hypnotist, and 5 phase advanced transformative hypnotherapy specialist I can help you to resolve unwanted behavior patterns and physical issues that are the result of past memories and unresolved emotional issues stored in the unconscious mind. Moreover, as a 7th Path Self Hypnosis Teacher I can also facilitate you with self empowering tools to deal with your day to day challenges. 


hypnotherapy with shallu annand

Give yourself a chance...
A positive change is just a session away.

  • Fears and phobias.

  • Sleep Problems | Stress issues

  • Remove Fears | Anger Issues

  • Substance Abuse | Abuse Issues

  • Relationships | Sexual Issues

  • Addictions | Behaviours | Habits | Weight Loss

  • Procrastination | Concentration |Test Performance

  • Guilt Issues | Self-Esteem | Confidence | Shyness

  • Pain Management | Stage Fright | Improve Sports

  • Children’s Issues


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Want to learn hypnosis for success? Join our 7th Path™ Self Hypnosis program today.

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